Coaching and Clinical Hypnosis for Children

I am currently only available for private appointments in your home or via telehealth

Coaching and Gut-directed Hypnotherapy services are also available for adults

Clinical Hypnosis and Coaching Services


    Hypnotherapy, cognitive behavioural therapy and coaching are all effective treatment strategies for a number of common childhood issues and concerns.

    These include abdominal pain, difficulty sleeping, issues with continence, social anxiety and difficulty processing and managing emotions.

    After reviewing your child’s relevant medical history, sessions aim to explore the issue from your child’s point of view through discussions and age appropriate exercises based on cognitive behavoural techniques.

    Sessions focus on building trust, building understanding, and trialling a number of different approaches and strategies. Skills such as relaxation and reframing techniques are taught that can then be applied to all areas of their life.

    Sessions end with a guided hypnosis or visualisation to reinforce their ability to make positive changes.


    • Improves your child’s emotional and social wellbeing.

    • Gives them strategies for changing their behaviour and building self-confidence.

    • Helps your child understand and regulate their emotions.

    • Encourages positive approaches to managing their thoughts and feelings in a fun and age appropriate way.

    • Improves all relationships within the family.

    • Helps your child to feel positive about themselves and what they can achieve.

    Cognitive behavoural therapy, coaching theory and clinical hypnotherapy have all originated from Adult Models.

    While the majority of my information is directed at children and families - I also adults for professional coaching and gut-directed hypnotherapy in my practice.


    In functional or recurrent abdominal pain the nerves in the gut have become oversensitive to pain. This can cause a cycle of stress and miscommunication which in turn keeps the brain registering pain and the pain returning.

    Techniques used during the session aim to reduce your child’s experience of their pain and increase their confidence in managing it and other day-to-day concerns in their life.

    Hypnotherapy, breathing exercises, relaxation techniques and cognitive behavioural approaches (that help challenge unhelpful thoughts, hidden feelings and habits) have all been shown in multiple studies to improve abdominal issues in 70-80% of patients.

    Hypnotherapy as a term can be misunderstood. As practiced in clinical sessions it can be described as a guided meditation to induce a state of deep relaxation. In this state, the mind has been shown to be more receptive to changing behaviour or understanding problems in a new and more helpful way.


    Masters in Child and Family Health

    Bachelor of Science in Nursing

    Bachelor of Communication

    Certificates and training in Child and Family Coaching. Neurolinguistic Programming and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

    Certification and training in Clinical Hypnosis from The College of Medical Hypnosis

    Certificate in Applied Behavioural Neuroscience

Wouldn’t it have been nice to have addressed some of our own fears, behaviors and unhelpful thoughts earlier in life before they followed us into adulthood?